
How to choose the right shapewear & Yoga wear according to your body shape

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How to choose the right shapewear & Yoga wear according to your body shape
Source image: Waistdear site

Have you ever felt uncomfortable when wearing Shapewear and yoga wear? Once I felt uncomfortable when I was wearing it. I discovered that my mistake was not considering my body shape when I chose and wore Shapewear and yoga. Do you know that our body shape affects our comfort when wearing Shapewear? Let's find out how to select the right Shapewear and yoga wear according to body shape.

How to choose the right Shapewear & Yoga wear according to your body shape

We might be wondering, How do we choose the right Shapewear & Yoga wear according to our body shape? Which Shapewear and yoga wear brand is suitable to wear?
Well, I suggest Shapewear dan yoga wear from Waistdear. Why? Because Waistdear, it's the best affordable Shapewear and is comfortable to wear. Let's find out which Waistdear Shapewear and yoga wear fit according to your body shape; here's the explanation.

1. Apple's body shape
Woman with apple body shapes has the body looks round from the top of the buttocks to the chest. I suggest wearing Waistdear Seamless Wash Ribbed Fabric Half Sleeve Crop Top for your Apple body shape. And for Shapewear, you can wear Waistdear Hot Sale 3 Rows Hooks Body Shaper High Cut Sensual Curves.

waistdear yoga wear for apple body shape
Waistdear yoga wear for apple body shape

2. Pear body shape
The pear body shape has a tiny waist but wide hips. The right Shapewear and yoga wear for your Pear body shape is Waistdear shapewear Curve Creator Breathable Sexy Adjustable Strap Solid Color Full Body Shaper. For yoga wear, I suggest the Waistdear Knitting Short Yoga Bodysuits 2-in-1 Gymwear.

yoga wear for pear body shape
Waistdear for pear body shape

3. Rectangle body shape
Women with this body shape have the same hip circumference as the chest. For your rectangle body shape, wear Waistdear Shapewear Abdominal Control Nude Adjustable Strap Lace Body Shaper Splice Good Elastic and Black Sleeveless Drawstring Jacquard Yoga Suit Trendy Style for your yoga wear.

Waistdear for rectangle body shape
Waistdear for rectangle body shape

4. Inverted-Triangle body shape 
Women with a triangular body shape have broad shoulders but small hips. For your Inverted-Triangle body shape, you can wear Waistdear Shapewear Backless U Plunge Seamless Wedding Bridal Bodysuit Shapewear and Seamless Crop Sports Suit With Thumbholes Stretchy for your yoga wear.

Waist Dear for the inverted triangle body shape
Waistdear for the inverted triangle body shape

5. Hourglass body shape
Hourglass-shaped women have the same hip and bust size markings. You can wear Waistdear Shapewear Seamless Shapewear Shorts, Adjustable Straps, and Ultra Sexy Women'S Sports Bra for your hourglass body shape. 

Waist Dear for hourglass body shape
Waistdear for hourglass body shape

Waistdear Provides All Your Shapewear dan Yoga Wear Needed.

Waist Dear

Waistdear is a wholesale brand of Hexin Holding Limited, China's leading shapewear factory and manufacturer, since 2011. Their business covers more than 150 countries and territories around the world.
Waistdear also has Plus Size and Mother's Day Sale items with discounted sportswear and wholesale shipping. Please visit their website for further information.
Eka FL
Mom bloger yang hobi menggambar dan bikin kue kering. Pecinta kucing dan tanaman, suka banget mie ramen dan bakso yang ngakunya post rocker tapi playlist KPop semua.

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32 komentar

  1. Aku baca artikel ini dengan bantuan terjemahan. Tapi emang bener sih. Kadang kala kalau pas pake shapewear gitu emang paling pas kalau menyesuaikan bentuk tubuh. Jadi kita bisa merasa nyaman dan terlihat cocok gitu.

  2. Selain asupan makanan, olahraga, butuh juga ya shapewear ini biar body goals nya makin mudah terwujud sesuai harapan

  3. Duhh jadi naksir. Ngebentuk badan banget ya kak. Jadi enak juga kalo dibawa olahraga atau yoga..

  4. yoga wearnya ngebentuk badan banget~ kalau punya shaperwear dan yoga wear gini jadi auto betah dan suka olahraga deh jadinya

  5. Hwaa butuh banget aku pengecil perut kayak gini, belum pernah nyoba sih. cuman ini perutku udah semakin melebar ga terkendali hiks

  6. shaperwear dan yoga wear kudu pas biar hasil olahraganya beneran tampak nyata dan berhasil dengan baik. kudu dipilih yang tepat dan sesuai bodi. Jangan sampe salah pilih

  7. shapewear dan yoga wear emang harus yang pas y
    Biar mendukung hasil olahraga kita
    Jadi nggak boleh asal pilih

  8. Milih shaperwear enggak bisa ngasal ya, harus disesuaikan bentuk tubuh.. Btw, aku jadi ngiri nih apa bentuk tubuh yang nomor 1

  9. Have you ever felt uncomfortable when wearing Shapewear and yoga wear? Of course, Yess I have. Haha..
    In my opinion, it's to difficult finding the right Shapewear & Yoga wear according to our body shape. Thank's for the tips

  10. aaah cakep banget nih, berasa langsung terwujud ya impian punya body goals hehe.. ini bisa kali ya dipakai sehari-hari gitu? :)

  11. I think all of woman have a same dream about a body goals.
    And one of the solution is wearing a comfortable Shapewear or yoga wear like Waistdear.

  12. sesungguhnya aku agak terkejut kalau artikel ini pake bahasa inggris mbak hahaha body goals banget sih it mbak, salah satu barang yang cukup membantu untuk merampingkan perut disaat urgent sih ini

  13. aku termasuk pear body shape nih mba dan emang agak susah pilih2 bajunya.. meski cuma sekadar untuk yoga atau olahraga lainnya. kudu selektif biar gak makin bikin keliatan mblenduk wkwk

  14. Yoga aja nggak cukup ya, perlu dibantu juga dengan shapewear dan yoga wear biar hasilnya lebih optimal. Produk ini sih recommended banget ya.. Very nice sharing

  15. wah aku lagi mulai coba-coba yoga ringan dari yutub, tapi kayaknya harus pakai shapewear gitu ya biar mantap.

  16. Duh duh duhhh... Ngebentuk badan biar lebih sintal dan ideal emang sesuatu bangett yaa. Apalagi dgn yoga aja kadang butuh waktu lama. Kalau dibantu shapewear dan yoga wear jadi terbantu cepat yaaa

  17. memilih shape wear itu gampang gampang susah ya hehe terimakasih sudah berbagi pengetahuan ya kak :D

  18. Wow, just this time, there is a list that is written in English. Yes, no problem, lah. When viewed from the contents, wider is the importance of maintaining health for women. My friend did too. She is diligent in sports so that her husband is happy and does not easily switch to another. This includes shapewear that supports a healthy lifestyle for women.

  19. mupeng pengen beli kak, biar perut aq yang buncit sejak abis lahiran 3 tahun lalu bisa kembali normal.

  20. Naksir banget deh sama suit nya. Ini cocok buat olahraga senam aerobic. Aku bukan pecinta banget olahraga, tapi semangat kalau ada kesempatan aerobic, soalnya tubuh lebih sehat dan enteng. Pake kostum yang sesuai tentunya makin pede dan nyaman.

  21. Paragraf terakhir menjadi bonus yang menyenangkan, karena akhirnya ada yang untuk size plus seperti saya. Tadi sempat ngerasa gimana gitu pas lihat dulu pernah punya salah satu shape di atas.

  22. Wah. Bahasa Inggris. Saya kurang hehe...maaf. Tapi dari pembahasan sepertinya menarik..

  23. Shapewear & Yoga Wear is indeed important to be worn by an athlete. This is also part of the safety and standards that have been recommended previously. Thank you for the article which presents a variety of shapewear and yoga wear motifs.

  24. Shape wear bisa kah untuk kegiatan yoga lebih pas saat menggunakannya perlu dicoba. Mumpung ada referensinya

  25. Wih jadi pengen punya shapewear nih, biar bisa membentuk badan jadi bagus lagi kayak jaman masih gadis. Emang ya mesti pilih yang ukuran dab bentuknya pas dengan postur tubuh juga biar nyaman makainya

  26. Bentuk tubuh sendiri ada beragam y kak ada bentuk pear, persegi, dll . Kiat kiat memilih yg sesuai dengan diri kita dan sesuai fungsinya agar tidak salah beli

  27. Badan bagus memang perlu di jaga dengan makan teratur dan olahraga ya.

  28. Adik perempuanku suka gak pede karena bodynya body pir. Cuma aku percaya gak ada ciptaan Tuhan yang jelek. Masing-masing bisa diakalin, istilahnya, salah satunya memilih bodywear yang okeeee. Yaaa minimal seksi buat suami sendiri. Kekeke.

  29. I don't do yoga and I've never thought of buying a shapewear, but looking at the pics attached here makes me wondering if I really need one. Even if it's not for yoga thingy, it must be good to look at myself in a good body shape, isn't it? Well...if I haven't gotten such body shape than the shapewear will be a good alarm :D

  30. Kalau pakai pakaian itu jadi lebih terlihat langsing ya. Bagian yang berlemak akan tertutup..

  31. Saya sdh lama gak ikutan yoga dan kalaupun mau pakai pakaian yoga mesti pakai hijab panjang, soalnya g

  32. Dah lama banget gak ikutan kelas yoga, tapi KL pas yoga Saya malah gak nyaman pakai pakaian agak ketat meskipun di rumah aja sih😁


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